Court Reserve Frequently Asked Questions

What is Court Reserve?

Court Reserve is the online registration and booking system that the Dunlace Park Tennis Club (DPTC) uses to manage its membership and facilitate court booking.

How do I log in to Court Reserve?
I can't see the Court Reserve menu. Where is it?
What are the items in my Profile menu?
How do I add a tennis rating to my profile?
Is there a mobile app?
How can I keep up with club news?

How do I sign up for Events on Court Reserve?
How do I find contact info for other Club members?
Do you have detailed instructions for use of member's portal (website)?
Already have CR account with another club. How do I add Dunlace to my CR account?

What are the Court Reserve reservation rules?
What are the booking restrictions?
What are booking restrictions on guests?
How do I book a court for myself to play with other members?
How do I book a court with guests?
I am a member, how do I book a court for my child to play with others?
I am a Parent/Guardian (non-member), how do I book a court for my child?

What happens to the guest fee if it rains or courts are unplayable? Do I get it back?
How do I edit a booking to add a guest?
Do I get a refund for canceled guest booking?
Is there a video guide on using browser to book a court?
Is there a video guide on how to use mobile app?

What are the benefits to having my immediate family members groups together in Court Reserve?
How do I edit my account to allow my child to book for her/himself?
How do I become part of a family or switch to an individual account?
How do I add DPTC Court Reserve account for myself and my family?

What types of memberships does DPTC have?
I was a member last year. How do I renew?

What are the Court Reserve reservation rules?
"Validation Error! This organization is only allowing 2 outstanding reservations"
"Validation Error! Reservation start is exceeding allowed time, Member x is allowed to reserve up until 20XX-XX-XX x:xx XX"?
"Validation Error! You are exceeding number of allowed minutes to reserve per week"?
"Validation Error! You have reached max number of minutes allowed to reserve per week"?
"Sorry, this email is already registered"?
"... Court cannot be booked between the following times: xx:xx to xx:xx"

I cannot renew - Date of Birth (DOB) is missing